Northern Utah WebSDR Logo - A skep with a Yagi
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Northern Utah WebSDR
Salt Lake area 2 Meter and 70 cm receivers

About this system

This server - which is part of the Northern Utah WebSDRsystem - allows reception of the two meter band, the top 4 MHz (repeater outputs) of the 70 centimeter amateur radio band and a portion of the air traffic control (ATC) band from a location in East Mill Creek, Utah along the east benches of the Salt Lake valley at an elevation of 4800 Ft (1460 M) ASL , approximately 600 Ft (180 M) above the valley floor.

This server's coverage includes Salt Lake City and surrounding communities in the Salt Lake valley. It has limited visibility into Davis and Weber counties to the north, Tooele county to the west, and only marginal coverage into the western portions of Utah County to the south.

Recent news:

  • Reciever and antenna upgraded on the 2 meter Space->Earth receiver

    The 2 meter "Space-to-Earth" receiver was significantly upgraded on 25 October, 2023:

    • An M2 "Egg Beater" 2 meter satellite antenna was installed and the RTL-SDR receiver was replaced with an SDRPlay RSP1a which offers vastly superior sensitivity and signal-handling capability.
    • This receiver has a 300kHz front-end passband to reject signals from elsewhere on 2 meters, hence the dark edges on the waterfall.
    • There is some local powerline noise just above the thermal noise floor, but the software noise blanker on the WebSDR seems to do a decent job of suppressing it.
  • On 6 January, 2024 a 70cm Space->Earth receiver was installed. It's currently on an inferior antenna system and will likely not hear any but strong signals, but installation of a dedicated "egg beater" antenna is pending. This receiver may be offline (no signals at all) during the test/installation period.
Important information predicting satellite passes:

    If you calculate satellite passes and you intend to listen to the signals on THIS server, be sure to calculate the passes for Salt Lake City, Utah and NOT YOUR QTH - that is, unless you happen to be near Salt Lake City!  You may find ISS pass information in the widget at the bottom of this page.
To invoke this page with a preset frequency and mode, append "/?tune=(freq kHz)(mode)" to the URL and save it as a bookmark,

As in:
This will load the page and tune to 146.62 MHz, FM.

To pre-set the S-meter squelch, add "smsquelch=[n]" as in:

Where "n" is the S-meter reading - which is ALWAYS negative - above which the S-meter reading causes the squelch to open. This value should be 3-6 dB above the no-signal S-meter reading for that particular band/receiver combination.

If you find that CatSync doesn't work with this WebSDR, add "?10hz" to the URL. There may be other issues with CatSync - read here.

Additional URL parameters are described on the "FAQ" page here.

Reception of transmissions with subaudible tones

A number of the repeaters that may be received by this system transmit a subaudible ("PL", "CTCSS") tone. If you find this tone to be objectionable, check the Notch2 box just below the volume control to remove it. If you know the frequency of the tone, you may selectively remove it using the "Vari-Notch, using the slider.

Interested in HF reception?

For more information about the Northern Utah WebSDR - which has coverage on all amateur bands from 2200 through 2 meters - go to The Northern Utah WebSDR landing page.

More information about the WebSDR project, including a list of WebSDRs worldwide, may be found at
Related links:

The Northern Utah WebSDR Landing Page

Everything you wanted to know about the Northern Utah WebSDR system!

About this WebSDR and contact info
Terms and Conditions of use
Technical Information
Latest News and known issues
Northern Utah WebSDR FAQ
Scientific Research
Additional information about this server:

For more information about this server, how its features work and how its receivers and antennas are configured, visit the Info page.

Note to users intending to receive ISS or other satellite signals:

For best reception of satellites use the dedicated Space->Earth receiver rather than the 2M Low receiver:  Link

For information regarding satellite passes:

• See the Heavens Above page. For a list of all passes - including those that may be very short and at low angles - click the ALL button.

• You may also use the widget at the bottom of this page (scroll down to view). This widget only shows the higher elevation, longer passes - use the Heavens Above link to get the others.

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Since Java version 7u51, Java needs to be enabled separately for each website; see for instructions.
Your browser does not seem to support HTML5 WebAudio; please try a recent version of Firefox, Chrome, Opera or Safari; or switch to Java.

Allow keyboard:
j k ← →: freq down/up (+shift/ctrl/alt faster)
u l c a f: USB, LSB, CW, AM, FM
z Z: center/zoom waterfall
g: enter frequency
m: mute/unmute audio
s: toggle squelch

Frequency: kHz    VFO:  ?  
Enter frequency above, or tune by clicking/dragging/scrollwheel on the frequency scale. freq???
Mode:  ?      
Use the = kHz button to snap to the nearest kHz.

The buttons below switch to Northern Utah WebSDR servers near Corinne, Utah with coverage on all bands from 2200 through 2 meters.
The bands in bold use high-performance receivers.  Please use only one server at a time!
Receivers on Omni antennas
Clicking a band below will switch to the Yellow WebSDR (#1):

Clicking a band below will switch to the Green WebSDR (#2)

Clicking on a band below will switch to the Blue WebSDR (#3)

Receivers on the East-pointing beam
Clicking a band below will switch to the Magenta WebSDR (#4):

WebSDR #4 uses a Non-Rotatable directional antenna with a heading of 87° true (East).

Receivers on the Northwest-pointing beam
Clicking a band below will switch to the  Teal WebSDR (#5)

WebSDR #5 uses a Non-Rotatable directional antenna with a heading of 286° true (Northwest - Alaska, Asia, Pacific).
Memories are stored as cookies on your computer, not on the server.

?:   ? kHz @ -6dB; ? kHz @ -60dB.  Default BW in bold.
 USB CW RX: Check box, or put  ?usbcw  in the URL for USB CW reception.
  CW uses a center frequency of 750 Hz and LSB by default.

PassBand Tuning (PBT):
Use buttons to select BW/mode or drag passband edges on frequency scale. PBT/IF Shift by Weert Websdr.
Call of station that you hear:
Comments, if any:
Time, frequency, your name/call, and DXCC information are added automatically.
View the last 20 lines of the logbook, or the entire logbook (opens new tab/window).

? dBm  Peak ? dBm  ?
 S-meter squelch:        
Mute Squelch Notch1
Notch2 High Boost
 DSP Noise Reduction:
More info about Noise Reduction, Notch2 & High Boost here

Audio buffering:
  More buffering may help with drop-outs or slow/jittery connections.
  Vari-Notch (Hz):   Off

   CW Peak (Hz):   Off    Ref. Tone

Gain control:   
RF AGC Alt AGC Manual
Try "Alt AGC" for better AM reception, particularly with QSB.

devpk dev_avg dev_pkavg   

Audio channel: Left Both Right

Sig. strength plot:
Waterfall view:
Or use scroll wheel & dragging on waterfall.

Toggle "Hide labels" if labels are missing.

There are currently ? user(s) on this WebSDR:      compact view

Actual CPU utilization percentage is 1/4th of the value shown above.

? devpk dev_avg dev_pkavg freq???
The information below is updated only when the entire page is refreshed.